This week we added a team drill function on the ladder and updated the phone menu.
Ladder (Snapshot at 11am)
Match Scores (as entered to Cerros)
Results above as emailed have since been updated to reflect changes to Moonshine Monday 8 Ball as 9 2 changed to 9 13 and 9 Ball as 11.17 changed to 17.11
Ladder above reflects these updated and is aa revised version of what was previously posted
Looking good there Bill. And well done on your team win Parmi

On you smart phone open the web and select Phone Menu . You will get this narrow formatted menu. You can save that as app-link to your Home Screen which shows up as a button. Both IOS and Android have this feature. You will then always have access to the latest SSPL fixtures and updates which is the source of what we posy on LINE groups
Once the ladder is updated automatically for each round submissION by home teams, CERROS is IS resent for the next round no later than Friday evening. That sets all the next round matches up for scoring. In line with past practice we also publish that information on the Caption Forum in the LINE Group each weekend no later than Sunday afternoon
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